Nu är Matt Taibbi förbannad igen. Som vanligt med rätta. Ännu en plutokrat eller hyrd penna som försöker skriva om historien och skifta skulden för finanskrisen från marknaden och ideologiskt förblindade politiker på högerkanten till välmenande politiker på vänsterkanten. Det är ju som vi vet inte en ovanlig strategi. Den används flitigt på båda sidor Atlanten.

”This whole notion that the financial crisis was caused by government attempts to create an “ownership society” and make mortgages more available to low-income (and particularly minority) borrowers has been pushed for some time by dingbats like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who often point to laws like the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act as signature events in the crash drama.

But Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are at least dumb enough that it is theoretically possible that they actually believe the crash was caused by the CRA, Barney Frank, and Fannie and Freddie.

On the other hand, nobody who actually understands anything about banking, or has spent more than ten minutes inside a Wall Street office, believes any of that crap. In the financial world, the fairy tales about the CRA causing the crash inspire a sort of chuckling bemusement, as though they were tribal bugaboos explaining bad rainfall or an outbreak of hoof-and-mouth, ghost stories and legends good for scaring the masses.”

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