Varför agerar Aftonbladet Kultur femtekolonnare åt libertarianismen?

Nu är pappa trött igen. Trött på högerns historieförfalskning, trött på vänsterns oförmåga att se det uppenbara. Trött på att ingen säger ifrån. Trött, så jävla trött. Låt mig förklara. I havet av neoliberala medlöpare brukar Aftonbladets kultursida sitta längst bak i klassen, vicka på stolen och uttråkat titta ut genom fönstret. Alla andra i…

Election reflection

The election is finally over and we can all get back to our lives. For me, as an outsider looking in, the most egregious and precarious part of the show was, and is, the fatal divergence between what is and what a large part of the electorate claims to be. You can of course argue…

Don’t fight the acronyms or You can’t eat alphabet soup with a knife and fork

Now, with the Fed being the last of the true Masters of the Universe to reveal their cards, its two thumbs up for risk assets all around. After QE1, QE2 and Operation Twist, Ben Bernanke finally whipped out his secret weapon that’s been bulging uncomfortably from his front pocket for so long – The Open…

Double Down on Trickle Down

It was nice to see William Jefferson Clinton’s succinct summarisation of the same argument I myself tried to do with the VE² equation: ”“We simply cannot afford to give the reins of government to someone who will double down on trickle down,” Mr. Clinton said, repeatedly bringing the crowd at the Democratic convention to its…

Feedback in the system or Is there an echo in here?

Timothy Snyder posted a text on The New York Review of Books’ blog, titled Grand Old Marxist. It’s a good and elaborate text on how the current crop of Republican politicians are direct descendants of the Cartesian school of Rationalism. But it feels soo eerily familiar, if not downright spooky. He starts his well written piece…